王逢鑫教授:“恶性竞争”的 英文表达
“恶性通货膨胀”可译为 galloping inflation, runaway inflation, rampant inflation, malignant inflation, vicious inflation, virulent inflation, boiling inflation, hyperinflation。
解释:malignant 的反义词是benign,如“恶性肿瘤”是malignant tumour,而“良性肿瘤”是benign tumour。vicious 的反义词是 virtuous,如“恶性循环”是vicious circle,而“良性循环”是
virtuous circle。表示“恶性竞争”和“良性竞争”时,要用malignant competition和benign competition,或 vicious competition和 virtuous competition,不可混淆。
4. 政府已采取有效措施遏制恶性通货膨胀。The government has taken effective measures to curb/check/halt/curtail the galloping inflation。
2. 中药治疗恶性肿瘤有其独特的优势。The treatment of malignant tumour with traditional Chinese medicine has its unique advantage。
2)Recently, the two companies have been carrying on a vicious competition, instead of a virtuous one。
3. 大学生毕业后面临着恶性竞争。University students are confronted with cutthroat competition aftergraduation。
5. 这次加息的目的是为了防止恶性通货膨胀。The increase in interest rates this time is for the purpose of preventing malignant inflation.(作者:王逢鑫教授)
“恶性”的意思是“能产生严重或危险后果的”。英语可以译为vicious, malignant, pernicious, grave, cutthroat。例如:
1. 圈地的后果是将贫穷农民陷入贫困的恶性循环。The effect of the land enclosure was to leave the poor peasants in a vicious circle of poverty。
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