最后一个词,negotiate,再次强调一下,这个词除了表示“谈判”,还可以表示“经过,穿过”:to successfullytravel along or over。negotiate a river,意为“涉水而过”
“膀爷”的翻译处理地很好,先给出拼音,然后说明是"the men without their shirtson",这个解释对“膀爷”的实质也说明得很清楚,不就是不穿上衣的男人么~
总评:大家这里对“膀爷”的翻译多种多样,出现最多的说法是manstripped down to the waist,这是很好的描述,strip意为“剥除、脱衣服” be stripped down to the waist意即“半裸”;有翻译成nakedman,这里要注意naked 可不分是全裸还是半裸啊,全裸的话那就不是膀爷,是streaker,裸奔者。
“炎热难耐”这个形容词,大家给出了很多很不错的翻译,诸如scorching、irresistibly hot、sizzling summer、in the suffocatingheat等,还有同学用到了dog-day,大家知道是什么意思么?其实dog-day就表示三伏天、非常炎热的天气。
They are called "Arm Man" -- man with bare arms, no matter howold he is. In boiling season, arm men can be spot every where --strutting in commercial zone, playing chess in the park, lookingafter children in a zoo or threading the bustling streets.
点评:boiling season 和 “coolbreeze no long visits Beijing”两处都用到了比喻,很灵活的感觉;threading thebustling streets,thread这里是动词,意为“穿过、蜿蜒前行”,也非常形象。
joe036:In thisunbearable hot summer, when cool breeze no long visits Beijing,Lianqun Hu carelessly finds a way to solve the problem -- rollingup his T shirt and pegging out his big belly.
这里的sweltering一词不是很常见,大家或许想不到,但是,认真读过Matin Luther King那篇IHave A Dream演讲稿的同学也许记得,其中有一句:a state sweltering with the heat ofinjustice - swelter这里是比喻用法,非常形象,这个句子有没有记住呢?
“肚子”要小小注意一下,很多同学用stomach来翻译,其实stomach表达的是“胃”,指的是器官,而不是我们平时所说的“啤酒肚”的那个“肚子”,所以这里要用belly一词;那么“啤酒肚”其实就是pot belly。
They are called "Bang Ye" in Putonghua regardless of ages,meaning "the men without their shirts on". They seemed to beeverywhere in the hot days: marching into the CBDs(center businessdistrict), playing chess in the parks, walking with the children inthe zoo and pacing through the crowded streets.
点评:全篇流畅准确,整体语言非常好。brutalheat很夸张也很搞笑。figure out a solution,这里的figureout词组用得相当不错,很地道的语气;类似的说法还有come up with an idea等;
conniezc:In the summer ofbrutal heat and without cool wind in Beijing, Hu Lianjun figuredout a solution with out any difficulty, or, consideration-- herolled the shirt up and showed his big belly.
“膀爷”这里的翻译虽然是"exposing grandfathers",但是小编偏向于沪友们man stripped down tothe waist的说法;外媒对膀爷的解释也未必就那么精准哦。
“轻风、凉风”不是cold wind,而是refreshingbreeze,refresh有“使轻松、使凉快”的意思;refreshing drinks也就可以表示我们夏天喝的冷饮。
类似“膀爷”这种中式词汇,如果英语中没有对应的说法,一般是采取拼音 注释的形式进行翻译,或者就直接意译。
(英文出自Los AngelesTimes)
They're known as bang ye, or "exposing grandfathers"(despitetheir age range). In the hottest weather, bang ye seem to beeverywhere, striding among the tall buildings in Beijing's businessdistrict, playing chess in parks, holding children's hands at thezoo and negotiating crowded alleyways.
Inthe sweltering heat of summer, when therefreshing breezes desert the city, Hu Lianqunabsent-mindedly reaches for a solution: He rollsup his shirt to expose his belly.
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